Children are involved in all aspects of the life of Stokesdale UMC. You will never be asked to remove a child from worship or any event. Fussing babies and talking toddlers are a sign of a growing church. We want children to experience and be involved members in the life of the church at all ages.
We have age-level ministries to help children grow in faith.
Sunday School classes for children pre-K - 5th Grade meet at 10:00 am. If your child is five and older their classes are located up stairs and children four and under meet in the nursery down stairs.
Children's Church for kids age 5 to 5th Grade. Following the Children's Message in the 11:00 Worship Service, those children who would like to do so are invited to join Ms. Shay and our children's team for a Bible lesson and crafts catered to their age level.
Vacation Bible School and Trunk or Treat are held annually each year.
Watch the calendar and newsletter for periodic plays, musicals, and programs where your children can be involved.
Children's Library
We have a children's library nook under the stairs located across from the nursery. Here you will find both Bible stories and other children's books to take home with you during the week and return. We hope to help parents and grandparents continue to share Bible stories and precious time together with their kids at home. |